Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Powerlifting Regeme

I'm a big guy. I always have been and have dealt w/ this fact my entire life. I attribute it mainly to genetics (big frame) but also to my HS lifting days (mad stretch marks around the shoulder to prove it...)

Lately I have been driven to start lifting once again. I have been at it for about 3-4 weeks now and already feel stronger, slimmer and overall better in health. Its great.

I wanted to share w/ everyone (like anyone actually reads this anyway) my regiment for lifting. Its simple, quick and from every1 that has tried it... very effective at growing muscle and strength.

Powerlifting. It consists of 3 exercises:

  • Squat
  • Bench
  • Deadlift

These 3 exercises work the majority of your body and will grow muscle and make you feel strong.

I work a 2 day split. 

1st Day (Monday or Tuesday):

  • Bench Press
  • Squat
  • Pull Ups

2nd Day(Thursday or Friday):

  • Deadlift
  • Bent Row
  • Dips

Its simple and quite fast.

My workout reps & sets look as follows:

4 sets w/ one warm-up and 3 work sets. Choose a weight where you will be exhausted and pushing failure on the last work set.

The breakdown for the sets is as follows:

  1. 8 reps - Warmup set at 1/2 working set weight
  2. 8 reps - First Working Set
  3. 6 reps - Second Working Set
  4. 4 reps (or more to failure) - Last Working Set 

The working sets add up to a total of 18 reps. If you get 16 of those 18 reps, move the weight up for next time. If not then use the same weight for next time. Simple and easy to follow. If you see a plateau in your lifting records (and record every workout so you can actually see your progress and not 'estimate' it) such as 2-3 weeks at the same weight w/o improvement, move the weight up next workout and you'll pass it.

The glory of this system is that you're always pushing for 18 reps but will be increasing weight at 16 reps. If you focus on the 18 reps, you will almost always be moving up in weight and more weight means more muscle.

I have used this system to increase my 1 rep maxes like crazy and others (including hard gainers) have used this system to build immense strength quickly as well.

Give it a shot.

As always, comments are always welcome!

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