I'm studying aerospace engineering. Yea.. its a hard major.. It's going to take me 5 yrs to graduate( could have done it in 4 but that would have meant 19 crs every semester w/ no breaks... i love life too much to do that to myself)
i dont have a perfect gpa, no where close... I'm by no means have a low gpa (i have a 2.73 currently)
There are some ppl that have well over a 3.8 in aerospace engineering that have NO social life, which i believe is ridiculous.
Recently... i received information that confirms my standing(one of my friends who is also in aerospace engineering has a lower gpa than me and got a job for over $56k/yr)
Whats the big deal w/ gpa?
It in NO way shows which person is the best engineer... just who was the best at taking tests... not necessarily who knew the material better.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Obsession over GPA, Worth it?
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Public Display of Affection (PDA)
Anyone who has ever been in a relationship can probably agree that atleast once during their time together in public, they have kissed passionately. Now I'm not talking a tongue down the throat kiss (this will be discussed in a few) but I'm talking a genuinely passionate smooch here.
Personally, i have no problem with this type of affection being shown in public... so long as its not a 10 second make-out session
The question arises tho.... Exactly what constitutes too much PDA?
I guess to some ppl, even holding hands would be considered too much
But personally, that isn't too bad. IMO... too much PDA is when ppl are making out and essentially feeling each other up in plain sight. Blatantly disregarding everyone else around them...
Everyone's seen this type of behavior and if you are of good conscious... most likely turn your nose up at it.
But this then arises to another point.
What if you're around friends/family just hanging out...
How do you say to you're roommate/sibling that you'd like them to leave so that more personal make-out sessions (or more intimate) can progress...
You obviously do not want to make the situation seem "strange" but its a touchy subject.
In the end... ppl will do what they want... and if you dont like it, too bad..
But damn ppl.. have the decency to do intimate things in private... and not in the public eye...
You are not cool for making out in the mall infront of 300 ppl...
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Online Game: Avalanche
There is a newer site that I've been going to for flash games.
It is www.thegamehomepage.com
The great thing about this site is that you're able to compete against other ppl to get the highest scores. This has taken the Aerospace Computer Lab by storm and we're trying to compete to get the highest score on the game called Avalanche.
Very simple game, use ur arrow keys to climb higher and higher. You can run across the screen as well as "hug" the walls and slide down blocks. You're score is your max height. My current max is 825 ft
There are 2 ways to die. The first is being crushed by the blocks.
The 2nd is to drown in the pink fluid!
Stop by and play some, but a warning...
It's extremely addicting!!!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Forgot to introduce myself...
I guess i kinda jumped the gun w/ the blog and all and forgot to introduce myself.
I am a 22 yr old college student. I am a 5th year senior studying Aerospace Engineering at PSU (graduating in the spring '08). I enjoy computer programming and do so in numerous languages, most of which I learned just because I wanted to(Languages include: C++, Fortran, Matlab, LabVIEW, php, perl, and some java/javascript). My ultimate job at this moment would be a test engineer who specializes in the acquisition of data and creation of acquisition systems for vibration, noise and aerodynamic testing.
I am engaged to the most beautiful woman on this earth (been together 5 yrs this upcoming january) with our wedding coming this july. She's also a senior at PSU studying Elementary Education. She's quite possibly the most important person in my life.
I have attended instruction for playing the piano for over 12 yrs (starting at the age of 5). I also trained in Martial Arts for a little bit over 8.5 yrs (Shinjitsu Do).
I'm very interested in "Wilderness Survival" and possess a wide variety of skills that intertwine with it (fire starting, shelter building, clothes making, weaving, slinging, archery, rope making, knitting and even crocheting and etc etc etc). Further skills that I wish to learn would be intricate but primitive snare/trap setups and flint knapping.
I also have a lil crutch that I play video games and have my favorites. In my apartment, the guys and I play Counter Strike (version 1.6.... no source yet for us. Visit the online community that i am apart of.) and AoE3 (Age of Empires). I also play the online real time games: Ogame and Gladiatus.
I consider myself a renaissance man because of my need to learn information... no matter how useless or abstract it may seem at the time. My friends have said that I "...possess a little bit of knowledge on everything...". I like to hold conversations (no matter how controversial) on any topic and always love to hear your side of the story if you're willing to hear mine.
All in all, I'm a twenty something yr old geek who wants to learn more. This blog will be used to spout some information and thoughts out(as I remember them... mayb i should get a lil notebook to jot down thoughts as they pass...). I encourage discussion on any topic (whether it be constructive or not).
Return and you'll be engaged eventually as I hit a topic you're interested in.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Becoming American
I am a first generation child. My father immigrated to the US in 1972 from Italy. My mother in 1970 from Poland. Both legally.
Both my parents went through intense hardships to become live the American Dream. Lets take a father for example.
He came off the boat at the age of 24 with $52 in his pocket and a dream in his heart. Within one year, he was married to the woman he followed to America (met in italy, rest falls together). Within another 1.5 yrs... he was divorced and faced many extreme situations which I will not discuss in respect of my father.
it just amazes how people will want something with all of their heart and follow it... leaving all of his family, traditions, and livelihood behind in search of something better.
Right... my father is not a born American... but I know very few people who consider themselves "Full Blooded American" who have had to endure the trials and tests of courage that my father has to respectfully call himself American.
This is the time i will post my Political perspective on immigration.
Everyone that immigrates (legally or illegally) is looking for a better life. No one can judge or argue that fact... if they do they have NO idea what it is like to leave everything they have ever known to go someplace and start over...
If you want to come to America... Do so legally. I have NO issue with legal immigrants. They follow the laws set out to become Americans and do so going through every hardship along the way. People who illegally hop the border...be prepared to go jail for your efforts
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Crazy Highway Tactics
Today was my first day of Thanksgiving break. I was on the drive home from Happy Valley during this years first snow storm.
Now normally, driving in the snow isn't a problem for me. I love PA winters and I don't mind driving in the snow, but today was a lil different. The weather was treacherous!
Interstate 81 has lil flashy markers that are lined with the middle lines. This makes driving in heavy snow fall no problem. Stay between the lil flashy things and you're all good.....
Interstate 80 doesnt have any.... anywhere...
Freaking Interstate 80....
nothing like going 40mph when tractor trailers are passing you going 70...